Jean Perotta
Executive Board Treasure, ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation, Inc., 501(c)(3)Organization
Name, Title
ReneMarie looks to Jean as a confidant and "The Foundation to the Foundation", for she believes in a vision, and she supported ReneMarie to pursue what we have today ... ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation, Inc.
Jean is a Graduate of Jersey City Medical School of Nursing 1964, Massage Therapist, practicing Reike, Therapeutic Touch and other Modalities...and has worked as a Nurse for 39 years for Doctor Seymour Nochimson.
She is the proud Mother of 3 children and 6 grandchildren.
Jean's Mother suffered two strokes. Jean worked with her with photographs however she couldn't really remember and recognize a lot of people ... she had trouble with her words and her writing . She could write but then she could never really read her own writing. This is why Jean relates with ReneMarie's Language of Love Foundation for Stroke and Aphasia and was a inspiration to ReneMarie's vision.
Jean has served and is still serving:
Patrician Arms Condominium Association Board. Served as Trustee and currently and still servicing as Secretary
Manchester Junior Woman's Club. Served as Sec'y, Treasure, VP a Pres.
North Haledon Board of Recreation
Metaphysical Center of NJ Board for five years ~ Served as Treasurer.
Sr. Citizen Organization... Serving Sec’y/Treasurer