I am honored to be a part of Rene's "dream team" in support of her initiative to draw greater awareness and provide sustenance to all individuals and families impacted by the reality of a suffered stroke or aphasia. Rene and her Language of Love Foundation has for many years raised this awareness through live streaming efforts as well as an annual successful telethon. She and her team of "stroke of luck" angels has raised the bar and inspired many with their generous spirit, deep compassion and of course their deep rooted faith. Rene also is forthcoming by announcing herself as a stroke and aphasia survivor who unselfishly imparts to other survivors the stories of her journey, struggles and achievements by paying forward in gratitude the similarities of the attentiveness she received as a stroke victim. I am humbled to be just a small part of this extraordinary endeavor and ministry. May God bless Rene and the Language of Love Foundation.
Fr. Sam Monaco
St. Anne Parish
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
How to Order and Contact Info.
The “Art of a Virtuous Serve” is available online at: amazon.com,barnesandnoble.com, through kindle (downloads) and also through the author’s website: http://www.outskirtspress.com/artofavirtuousserve.

Fr. Samuel Monaco
Faith Support
ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc. Board Member
Samuel Monaco Jr. grew up in Maywood, New Jersey. He learned the game of tennis at a young age and competed in junior tennis tournaments during the 1970's. He was ordained to the Roman Catholic Priesthood in 1988, after completing his studies at Immaculate Conception Seminary on the campus of Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. He has served in his many parish ministries over the years, as a full time Priest, Deacon, Pastoral Associate and Director of Religious Education. He is a professed member of the Secular Franciscan Order.
Samuel had been a certified tennis instructor through the United States Professional Tennis Registry and a former certified tennis official through the United States Tennis Association. He has given tennis lessons to people of all ages and directed a summer junior tennis clinic for the Borough of Hawthorne, New Jersey for several years. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Religious Education from Felician University in Lodi, New Jersey. Previously, he served in the Pastoral Care Department at Morristown Medical Center in Morristown, New Jersey.
Author of The Art Of A Virtuous Serve. The sole purpose and desire of his book is to draw attention to many of the outstanding tennis programs and organizations which continue to inspire help and support countless others in their life and faith journeys.
Samuel Monaco Jr., Faith Support, ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation,Inc., Executive Board Member.