1st Annual Keep the Conversation Alive - Virtual Conference
Dr. Kimon Bekelis
Co-Director, Neuro ICU /Chairman, Neurointerventional Services
Dr. Bekelis is Chairman, Neurointerventional Services at Catholic Health Services of Long Island, Director, Stroke and Brain Aneurysm Center of Long Island, Co-Director, Neuro ICU at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center, Director, Population Health Research Institute of New York at CHSLI and Assistant Professor of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.
Jason Wallen
Radiographic Technologist
Jason Wallen is one of the most experienced registered Radiographic Technologist in Endovascular Neurosurgery in the country. Jason is also one of the pillars of the Stroke and Brain Aneurysm Center of Long Island, and he participated in a lot of the decision making during the inception of the program. His energy and dedication are unparalleled.
Ann Aqueli
Founder of Healing with Journaling
Ann Agueli is a spiritual writer, ghostwriter, author, and web writer. Her heartfelt passion and enlightening experiences as a believer in creation and its creator led her on a mission.
A transformational and inspirational journaling workbook for caregivers. Filled with transformational exercises, inspirational quotes, devotionals, and powerful "I AM" statements, this workbook helps caregivers in recreating the many emotions they face in their journey.
Dr. Jim Henry
Dr. Jim Henry Founder & President at The Life Givers Network
Jim Henry, D. Min, is the Founder and Creator of The Life Givers Network, and the author of After Diagnosis: LIFE. Jim is a creator, author, mentor, counselor, a coach to many, a seminar and workshop leader, a pastor and short-term missionary, and is known as a spiritual father to many young and not so young men.
Nicole Yeates
Author / App
This remarkable recovery of Nicole will give others extreme hope that they can return to health, and become a part of society and perhaps give back to the community in areas of service above self. Nicole is currently working as a Rehabilitation Counselor in the occupational rehabilitation industry for 16 years, and in the last few months, have launched Holding on to Hope, the business, where she specializes in assisting people with any type of brain injury to reach their highest potential with tools, strategies and resources aimed at promoting brain health and managing injury barriers.
Andrew P. Raia
Former NYS Association of Health Care Providers’ 2017 Elected Official of the Year.
Andrew P. Raia, Town Clerk of the Town of Huntington, As a former New York State Assemblyman serving from 2003-2019, Mr. Raia was elected to serve nine terms in the Assembly representing the 12th Assembly District. Mr. Raia, received his bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the State University of New York at New Paltz in 1991. Prior to his time serving in the Assembly, Mr. Raia served for twelve years as a senior staff member in legislative offices of the State Assembly and State Senate.
Charlotte Ambrose
Executive Committee Chair Member Board Member of RenéMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc.
Charlotte Werner Ambrose's Elected
"Executive Committee Members for ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc.! She will be working on media, outreach and sponsorship from her home in Michigan. Charlotte is a talented artist in her own right and is an award winning art teacher who, over the course of her 27-1/2 year teaching career touched the lives of over 6,000 public school children.
Charlotte has become an advocate for awareness of stroke and more specifically recognition of issues with the Basilar Artery - which sadly claimed the life of her beloved husband, Tom.
Marica Moran
Author of Stroke Forward
Author of Stroke Forward, (How To Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate...One Step At A Time) holds a B.S. in Political Science from the University of North Dakota, a Master's in Business Administration from Chapman University, and Founder of Performance Architect. Marcia Moran wrote over fifty business plans and created value by strategizing how companies could remain relevance as the world changed around them. She also Co-Founded Positive Business DC to increase well-being in the workforce
Cyndy Feasel
Author of "After The Cheering Stops
Cyndy Feasel is the author of "After The Cheering Stops", about her college sweetheart husband, NFL Star Grant Feasel and Cyndy is a Brain Awareness Advocate, and Co-Founder of the group Faces of CTE. Cyndy has been an Elementary Art Teacher for 21 years and loves to read, write and paint in her free time
Jean Marie Gibbs
Jean Marie is Founder/President of Pathways Stroke Foundation
Jean Marie is Founder/President of Pathways Stroke Foundation created in honor of her mother Agnes, who suffered a devastating stroke December 18th, 2012. Her mother was left with many disabilities including hemiparesis, and her main challenge of overcoming Apraxia and Aphasia.
Virginia Werner
Board Member of RenéMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc.
Virginia Werner has been a team member of the Language of Love Telethon since its inception in 2015 first as a guest speaker, then as part of the team producing the Telethon in 2018 and 2019. She is honored to have just been named to the ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Board of Directors. It is an honor to be working with this dynamic team and looks forward to adding her energy to promote the Foundation’s success.
Steve Gutman
CEO & Founder of Mind Body Dynamics.
Steve has been making an impact on people's lives for more than 40 years, originally working with kids in day camp, developmentally disabled children. He has excelled in the arts of personal training, yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, massage, nutrition, and more. He has worked with clients ranging from the ages of 4 to 106
Stacy Kaplan
Stroke Survivor
Contact info coming soon
Stacy Kaplan graduated from Fairlawn High School and went to Rutgers University. She became a third grade Teacher for twelve years. Unfortunately she had to retire due to a massive stroke. Stacy will discuss her personal story as well as Aphasia, problems understanding what others are saying, written material and difficulties with handwriting, using numbers or doing simple calculations. Aphasia happens when a patient has a stroke, brain injury or tumor.
Mark McEwen
Author / TV Host plus
Previously Mark was a CBS journalist and popular television news personality, who served for many years in a variety of high profile positions, including anchoring "CBS This Morning" and serving as entertainment reporter for "The Early Show." He was also a correspondent on the CBS News show, "48 Hours." Mark has interviewed many prominent newsmakers, including five Presidents: Bill Clinton, George H. W. Bush, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon.
Judy Marlow
Caregiver/ Advocate / Board Member of RenéMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc. ( plus)
Judy Marlow, Executive Director of Public Relations/Board Member, 501(c)3 Organization for Stroke and Aphasia, Co-Exclusive Producer for ReneMarie Language of Love Telethons, Executive Booking Agent/Co-Host of ReneMarie Stroke of Luck Shows has a strong passion for bringing Stroke and Aphasia to the public due to her beloved Dad's Hemorrhagic Stroke in 1998. The only apparent signs were his swollen ankles..
Venise Mule Glass
Owner/Director of Sunshine Physical Therapy
Owner/Director of Sunshine Physical Therapy established in 1981. Orthopedic Clinical Specialist. Graduate of Stonybrook Physical Therapy Program. 1978.
Master's in Orthopedic Physical Therapy from Touro College. 1997. Doctor of Physical Therapy. Touro College. 2007. Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist. ( NSCA) NSCA Certified Personal Trainer.
Polestar Pilates certified in the Rehabilitation
Dr. Michael Evangel
Chiropractic Physician
Dr. Mike is a Chiropractic Physician, and one of the founders of FIR Industries, Inc., an innovative company that has developed a patent-pending process of infusing therapeutic minerals into fabrics, with unprecedented health and wellness benefits. When it comes to health-related issues, Dr. Mike not only investigates, but he also writes and shares digital content on wellness, fitness, longevity, nutrition, and the environment.
Brenda & Mark Moore
Brenda and Mark has established the Mark and Brenda Moore Family Foundation in 2010.
Mark Moore had a second chance at living a life of significance Mark Moore always believed he was in charge of his life. All that changed on a beautiful Saturday morning in May 2007. Suddenly he was no longer in control of anything.
Mark has formally served as the Mid-Atlantic Ambassador for Empowered to Serve, a major initiative of the American Heart Association in reaching out to faith based and African American communities.
Brenda Moore,( Marks Wife) who we will be honored to have joining us ~ she is a retired Registered Nurse. She earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Barbara Hardt, LCSW
Neuro Social Worker
Contact info coming soon
For the past 30 years Barbara Hardt, LCSW has been a Neuro Social Worker specializing in Case Management for individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury, including Stroke and Spinal Cord Injury. She has extensive knowledge of services and providers that work in the TBI field.
In early 1988 Barbara had an accident that led her into a Traumatic Brain Injury causing her to be in the hospital for two months and unable to work for three years. The hospitalization was a very challenging experience which led her to write a book entitled "The New Way To Take Charge Of Your Medical Treatment".
Craig Beale
licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist
Contact Info Coming Soon
Craig Beale is a licensed and certified Speech-Language Pathologist with experience in a variety of settings including acute care hospital, subacute rehabilitation, medically fragile pediatric residential, outpatient clinic, private practice, home care, as well as telepractice. His special interests include managing dysphagia post injury and pediatric feeding disorders as well as working with cochlear implant recipients.
Rob Plaskas
Author of My Fight for Recovery
Rob is the sole Author of Recovery: A Story of Hope, Determination and Hard Work. He wants the public to know a severe brain injury survivor can accomplish many recovery goals if they have determination, willpower, hard mental and physical work, and a positive outlook on their new life. They can develop skills to handle workloads of getting research information and creative writing skills to finish an autobiography and the will to publish it.
Peter G.Levine
Medical Researcher & Science Educator
Peter G. Levine, an American Medical Researcher and Science Educator and authority on stroke recovery. Now in its third edition, Stronger After Stroke puts the power of recovery in the reader's hands by providing simple-to-follow instructions for reaching the highest possible level of recovery. The book’s neuroplastic recovery model stresses repetition of task-specific practice, proper scheduling of practice, setting goals, and measuring progress to achieve optimal results.
Dr.Jennifer Ceonzo OD, FCOVD
Visionary Optometry
Visual Rehabilitation is the remediation of visual changes after stroke which can affect the field of view, clarity, or ability to understand that which is seen. Visual rehabilitation also addresses issues like visual motion sensitivity, diplopia (double vision), and photosensitivity that can occur after acquired brain injury.
Therapy can include special rehabilitative eyeglass prescriptions, exercises, and other activities that help patients recover from acquired brain injury.
Visual Rehabilitation is done by a special subset of optometrists called Behavioral, Developmental, or Neuro optometrists who work closely with other specialists with the goal of improving the way you see and interact with the world.
Deanna & Eddie Dhyne
Deanna Stroke Story
Deanna's suffered a stroke, how she was found unconscious on the bathroom floor of her sister's home... rushed by ambulance to the hospital where the staff did not diagnose her Stroke.
Deanna and Eddie learned fast that their insurance for physical therapy had run out and her remaining recovery would not be covered.
Debra Meyerson & Steve Zuckerman
Co-Founder/Co-Chair of Stroke Forward
Debra Meyerson and her husband Steve Zuckerman, Co-Founder/Co-Chair of Stroke Forward. Identity Theft was Co-Authored by Debra Meyerson and her eldest son, Danny Zuckerman, taking five years and a lot of determination to write.
Alicia Moss
Stroke Survivor-/
Board Member of RenéMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc.
Alicia would like to bring awareness and support to the Latino community which is at high risk of having strokes. She hopes awareness will come from discussions on the show in Spanish as well as English. Alicia looks forward to being able to reach out to the Spanish speaking community and provide needed information that perhaps can even save some lives. Alicia Moss was just elected Spanish/Latin Adviser for ReneMarie Language of Love Foundation Inc.
Dr. Yan Zhang
Dr. Yan Zhang is professor and clinical supervisor in the New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
. She is also the executive board of directors of United Alliance of New York State Licensed Acupuncturists. She provides a combination of acupuncture treatment with natural herbs. Over her 20+ years of experience, she has successfully treated thousands of patients with their various health conditions.
Dr. Zhang specializes in managing and treating multiple complex health conditions,
1st Annual
Keep the Conversation Alive
Moving Forward Virtual Conference
Sunday May 2, 2021 9 AM
Sunday, May 2nd, 2021 is a Special Day - Join us for our first Annual Let's Keep The Conversation ALIVE Panel Discussion Moving Forward.
Over a year ago, we had the honor of scheduling our first LIVE Panel Discussion at a conference in Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center partnership with Dr. Kimon Bekelis, MD Neurosurgeon, and Jason Wallen Registered Radiographic Technologist both of the Stroke and Brain Aneurysm Center.
Although Covid has altered our formats of coming together as a unit we are very honored to now be holding this panel discussion with Dr. Bekelis and Jason virtually via zoom on Sunday morning May 2nd and would like to know if we can count on you to attend.
As ReneMarie has formally had privilege of being on the Stroke Team as Ambassador for Stroke at Ridgewood Valley Hospital, Suffered a Major Stroke and has been Hosting ReneMarie Stroke of Luck TV for over 6 years - she vividly / authentically understands the new road that a Survivor is faced with and the importance of each and every part in recovery:
• Family, loved ones, Ambulance, Neurologist, Radiologist, Nose and Throat Doctor, Ministry /Clergy( Priests, Reverends, Rabbis, etc) Social Workers, Integrative (holistic) Medicine, Therapy Dogs, Social Workers, Clinical Therapists/ Occupational Therapists, Neuropsychologists - help with diagnosing clinical depression or cognitive impairment, Caregivers assigned for at home services to patients, Nutritionists etc...
The Language of Love Foundation and Committee Members hope that you will join us as we come together to Keep the Conversation Alive and discuss where we are moving forward !